There is an ongoing and active research collaboration with
- The Centre for Innovation, Technology & Organisation (CITO) at the University College Dublin, Ireland
- The VE-FORUM foundation, a non-profit, open-science initiative in the field virtual organisations and communities
In order to facilitate a thematically focused, yet interdisciplinary and international PhD education we are member of
- NITIM, the Ph.D. Consortium on Networks, Information Technology & Innovation Management.
The European Commission established in 2003 the eBSN (European e-Business Support Network for SMEs), a virtual network of decision-makers and public policy experts, as an instrument to coordinate between existing e-Business policies. Stefan Klein is a steering group member of eBSN (, an initiative of the General Directorate Enterprise and Industry.
Stefan Klein is member of the editorial boards of
- Die Betriebswirtschaft
- Electronic Journal of Organizational Virtualness (Co-Editor in Chief)
- EM – Electronic Markets, (Associate Editor)
- e-Services Quarterly
- Information Systems and Electronic business (ISeB)
- Information Technology & Tourism International
- Journal of Electronic Commerce
Members of the team regularly serve on the program committees of international IS conferences.