Agile Readiness: Development of a Procedure Model to Prepare Hybrid Managed IT-Projects
Background & Motivation: Agile project management is on everyone's lips. It differs from traditional methods such as the waterfall model by its high flexibility. However, practical experience shows that IT implementation projects are carried out in very different ways. A new approach is the use of hybrid project management methods for the introduction of standard software, which continues with an agile implementation after a rather traditionally structured preparation phase. In general, however, it is difficult to carry out agile projects. Often there is no "readiness" for agile implementation projects in the companies concerned. The factor “human” and the organizational conditions reduce the chances of success of these projects. However, especially in projects executed by external parties, it has to be ensured that the client company is ready and mature enough for these projects.
Goal: In the course of this master thesis, a procedure model should be developed, which supports the preparation of such hybrid project management approaches. Therefore, it should be investigated, how the missing prerequisites (e.g. skills) at clients of consulting companies can be identified and compensated with targeted measures and tools before the start of the project.
Research Method: The thesis is written in collaboration with an external practice partner who uses such a hybrid project management method for the introduction of standard software. In this context, case studies and interviews should be conducted.
Outcome: The result of the thesis is a procedure model for the preparation of hybrid project management methods, which provides necessary tools for the different steps. The thesis may only consider one or a few specific prerequisites and explain how to reach them from a process perspective.
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