A Reflexive and Interactive Approach on Novice-based Data Collection to Investigate Information Infrastructure (II)
Steiner van der Kruk Susanna, Schellhammer Stefan
From the practice lens the use of artefacts is subject to implicit logic, tacit know-how, and embodied practical sense and is constantly negotiated in the context of performance and within a constellation of practices. We argue that this theoretical approach provides useful assumptions to study Information Infrastructure (II) beyond the conventional understanding of II as “tubes and wires”. Bringing practices into perspective we aim at better understanding the unexpected outcome of II development projects in healthcare. Methodically, this research requires a strategy to trap the opacity of practice. Being an expert transcends technical rationality and is built up from practice which tends to be tacit. Infrastructure is embedded into opaque work practices and transparent to use. Taking this methodical problem into account we suggest studying practices by novice practitioners as they are not yet “practice blind”. By diary writing they contribute to data collection. This idea allows analysing practices ‘from inside’, however puts the researcher in a novel position and bears methodical challenges. By suggesting a reflexive and interactive methodological approach we aim at contributing to practice-based research methods. In this paper we discuss our approach and results based on a first run with pharmacists in practical training.