How to Leverage Process Mining in Organizations - Towards Process Mining Capabilities
Kipping, Gregor; Djurica, Djordje; Franzoi, Sandro; Grisold, Thomas; Marcus, Laura; Schmid, Sebastian; vom Brocke, Jan; Mendling, Jan; Röglinger, Maximilian
Process mining is a fast-growing technology concerned with managing and improving business processes. While the technology itself has been thoroughly scrutinized by prior research, we are only beginning to understand the managerial and organizational implications of process mining. Creating such knowledge is essential for a successful adoption and use of process mining in organizations. We conduct a qualitative-inductive interview study to explore how process mining can be leveraged in organizations. To this end, we systematically examine the needs and experiences of practitioners with process mining at different levels, including heads of process mining, process analysts, and data engineers. Complementing our tutorial, this article provides a theoretical background, outlines our research approach, and presents preliminary findings.
Process mining; Organizational implications; Process mining capabilities