Designing sales and operations planning for uncertain environments: an empirical investigation from an enterprise architecture perspective
Kalla, Christian; Kreuter, Tobias; Alberts, Jens; Scavarda, Luiz Felipe; Hellingrath, Bernd
While Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) is considered a valuable planning practice in stable environments, its effectiveness declines in uncertain environments. An advancement of the common S&OP design is therefore necessary. Academics and practitioners suggest the integration of S&OP with Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) activities. In this paper, it is investigated which SCRM activities should be considered within S&OP and how they could be integrated within the S&OP design, which embraces the S&OP process, the involved people, and the required IT systems. An exploratory survey with S&OP experts is conducted to answer these two questions.
supply chain uncertainty; context-specific S&OP; survey research