Model-Driven Software Development : Cross-Platform App Development and Further Applications of Domain-Specific Languages
Rieger Christoph
Smartphones have become ubiquitous devices and the ecosystem of mobile apps continues to thrive. This trend is amplified by the emergence of new mobile or wearable devices and further devices such as smart TVs have also become app-enabled. However, platform-specific functionality and user interface guidelines require repetitive implementations to reach a large number of users. Cross-platform approaches set out to reduce the development effort but are usually restricted to smartphones and tablets. The dissertation overcomes these limitations by analysing the challenges of app-enabled devices, categorising device classes, and assessing the applicability of current cross-platform approaches. Because the model-driven paradigm is particularly suited to solve the issues of pluri-platform development, the MAML framework is proposed as graphical domain-specific language (DSL) to facilitate the creation of business apps for a diverse audience of technical users and domain experts. In addition, the design of DSLs is scrutinised to ease language development by considering the perspectives of modularisation, preprocessing, and cross-cutting concerns.
Model-driven Software Development; Domain-Specific Language; Cross-platform Development; Mobile App; Business App Modellgetriebene Softwareentwicklung; Domänenspezifische Sprache; Cross-Plattform-Entwicklung; Mobile App; Business App