Information Management I: a management-oriented introduction into business information processing.
Teubner RA, Klein S
The goal of this course is to prepare students in becoming knowledgeable participants in decision making on information processing in organizations. In other words, this course is intended to prepare students as aspiring executives for management positions in Information Age organisations. By this, we do not mean that future managers need to know and understand every technical aspect of information processing. Such knowledge is provided in various dedicated textbooks on information technology, application systems, software engineering, computer science, or signal processing. However, all these books might leave the reader with open questions and there are typically numerous experts for these issues available in companies. Managers, in turn, need a good overview of information processing in business organisations in general. They should also understand the role that IT plays in modern organisations in order to be able to effectively participate in decisions on information processing. This course sets out to convey such an overall understanding.