Managerial Challenges in IT Programmes: Evidence from Multiple Case Study Research Managerial Challenges in IT Programmes: Evidence from Multiple Case Study Research
Teubner RA, Diederich S
The working paper at hand reports on the findings from research on the management of InformationTechnology (IT) programmes. While these IT programmes are surely a special case forprogramme management they are of utmost importance and relevance in programmemanagement practice since many of today's change initiatives are driven by IT innovations.Accordingly, IT-enabled change programmes can justifiably be looked upon as an archetype ofand representative for many programmes conducted in the Information Age. Building on casestudy data from five IT programmes that came under pressure, this paper identifies criticalissues and practical challenges in IT programme management. Based on the findings from thecase studies, a critical issue list is established and validated in expert interviews withexperienced IT programme management consultants.
Information Management; IT/IS Portfolio Management