Ehemalige Mitarbeiterin
Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Informationsmanagement (Prof. Becker)
Leonardo Campus 3

Leonardo Campus 3
Shamon, H., Rehm, T., Helgeson, B., Große-Kreul, F., Gleue, M., Paukstadt, U., Aniello, G., Schneiders, T., Frings, C., Reichmann, A., Lö}schel, A., Gollhardt, T., Kuckshinrichs, W., Konstantin, G., Overath, P., Baedeker, C., Chasin, F., Witte, K., & Becker, J. (2021). Smart Energy in Haushalten: Technologien, Geschäftsmodelle, Akzeptanz und Wirtschaftlichkeit. Jülich: Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH Zentralbibliothek, Verlag.
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Paukstadt, U., Strobel, G., Eicker, S., & Becker, J. (2020). Smart Services und ihr Einfluss auf die Wertschöpfung und Geschäftsmodelle von Unternehmen. In Kollmann, T. (Ed.), Handbuch Digitale Wirtschaft (pp. 1015–1036). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
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Chasin, F., Paukstadt, U., Knauth, P., & Becker, J. (2020). Exploring the Applicability of Pattern-Based Business Model Development in the Smart Home Domain. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Business Informatics (CBI), Antwerpen, Belgium.
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Chasin, F., Paukstadt, U., Gollhardt, T., & Becker, J. (2020). Smart Energy Driven Business Model Innovation: An Analysis of Existing Business Models and Implications for Business Model Change in the Energy Sector. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020(269), 122083.
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Chasin, F., Paukstadt, U., Ullmeyer, P., & Becker, J. (2020). Creating Value From Energy Data: A Practitioner’s Perspective on Data-Driven Smart Energy Business Models. Schmalenbach Business Review, 2020. (online first)
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Paukstadt, U. (2020). Business Model Innovation in the Age of the Internet of Things — Analysis and Development of Business Models für Smart Energy Technologies. at the Westfälische Wilhemls-Universität Münster.
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Paukstadt, U., Strobel, G., Eicker, S., & Becker, J. (2019). Smart Services und ihr Einfluss auf die Wertschöpfung und Geschäftsmodelle von Unternehmen. In Kollmann, T. (Ed.), Handbuch Digitale Wirtschaft (pp. 1–21). Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
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Kroll, T., Paukstadt, U., Kreidermann, K., & Mirbabaie, M. (2019). Nudging People to Save Energy in Smart Homes With Social Norms and Self-Commitment. In Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Information Systems, Stockholm and Uppsala, Sweden.
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Paukstadt, U. (2019). A Survey of Smart Energy Services for Private Households. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik, Siegen, Deutschland.
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Paukstadt, U., Gollhardt, T., Blarr, M., Chasin, F., & Becker, J. (2019). A Taxonomy of Consumer-oriented Smart Energy Business Models. In Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Information Systems, Stockholm and Uppsala, Sweden.
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Paukstadt, U., Strobel, G., & Eicker, S. (2019). Understanding Services in the Era of the Internet of Things: A Smart Service Taxonomy. In Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Information Systems, Stockholm and Uppsala, Sweden.
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Paukstadt, U., & Becker, J. (2019). Uncovering the business value of the internet of things in the energy domain — a review of smart energy business models. Electronic Markets, SI.
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Strobel, G., Paukstadt, U., Becker, J., & Eicker, S. (2019). Von smarten Produkten zu smarten Dienstleistungen und deren Auswirkung auf die Wertschöpfung. HMD — Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 56(327).
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Paukstadt, U., Bergener, K., Becker, J., Dahl, V., Denz, C., & Zeisberg, I. (2018). Design Recommendations for Web-based Career Guidance Platforms — Let Young Women Experience IT Careers!. In Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Hawaii, USA.
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Plenter, F., von Hoffen, M., Benthaus, S., Chasin, F., Matzner, M., Paukstadt, U., & Becker, J. (2018). Quantifying Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Electric Vehicle Charging. In Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Business Informatics (IEEE CBI 2018), Wien.
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Dahl, V., Junghof, N., Paukstadt, U., Ziesmann, T., Bergener, K., Zeisberg, I., Becker, J., & Denz, C. (2017). Virtuelle IT-Welt für junge Frauen
BMBF-gefördertes Projekt „Digital Me“ gestartet. Journal Netzwerk Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung NRW, 40, 36–37.
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