The Role and Value of Service Orchestration in Smart Grid Prosumer Service Systems
Merfeld T, Meisel S
The implementation of smart grid infrastructure as well as the rise of eco-conscious prosumers in the energy markets are leading to a paradigm shift in the energy sector. Residential households can no longer be viewed as passive market entities, but have to be considered as actors participating in value creation. In this work, we present the co-creation of value in energy markets through the lens of service dominant logic, and highlight the importance of service orchestrators for deriving both design decisions and operational decisions for complex energy systems. For the example of a real-time energy trading service, we assess the value of service orchestration by means of a simulation study. Thereby, we highlight the importance of service orchestration for creating valuable business opportunities, and we provide a transdisciplinary approach that combines service science and service operations research.
Prosumer; Electric Vehicle; Value Co-Creation; Battery Management; Service Orchestration