Reference Modelling: A Solution for Current Sales and Operations Planning Challenges?
Kreuter, Tobias; Kalla, Christian; Hellingrath, Bernd; Scavarda, Luiz Felipe; Thomé, Antonio Marcio Tavares
Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) is an emerging topic, as reflected by the increasing interest of both practitioners and academics. Current studies highlight that many companies are experiencing challenges in implementing and executing S&OP processes successfully. This paper offers a first investigation on the applicability of reference modelling, a concept from the Information Systems community, as a novel approach to address current S&OP challenges. The analysis builds on a systematic literature review and interviews with three executives. The paper identifies benefits and challenges for applying reference modelling to S&OP and offers an overview of existing reference models in S&OP‑related areas.
S&OP, Reference Model, Information Systems