Submit Job Offer

Please use this form if you would like to submit a job offer for your company. All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are obligatory. The job offer will not be published immediately, but after a review by the Department.

If you have more than one job offer, please condense it to not more than two.

Please provide a title for the job offer.
Please provide your name in case the Department wants to get in touch with you.
Please provide an email address through which we as the Department of Information Systems can get in touch with you.
Please provide the name of the company offering the position.
Please add the URL to your company, so people interested in you job offer can inform themselves about you.
Job characteristics
Please choose the tpye of job you are offering
Please select the related target audience.
Please provide a URL to the job announcement at your comany's website.
Please provide an email address that interested persons can contact to get more information.
Please describe the open position in ~200 word.
Please provide a date of validity of this job offer. It can be at max six months in the future.
If you have a PDF, you may upload it here. Only PDF files are allowed.
Files must be less than 5 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf.
This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.