Betrachtung des strategischen Einflusses von Sharing and Collaborative Consumption-Plattformen im Bereich der Elektromobilität - Ein Ordnungsrahmen der Geschäftsmodellinnovation für bestehende Unternehmen

Given an ever-changing business environment, enterprises face the need for a continuous product and service innovation. However, the rise of the share economy accompanied by an emancipated role of customers requires managers not only to rethink their companies’ value propositions, but their whole business models.  Within the electric mobility sector, novel business models, enabling a shared access to yet scarce resources like charging stations, might proof to be a sustainable solution to overcome barriers, hampering the propagation of electric cars. The study identifies the industry’s incumbent enterprises and assesses the implications of share economy-based platforms for their business models. In order to react to the disruptive forces of sharing and collaborative consumption platforms within the electric mobility sector, a Business Model Innovation framework is developed. A case study evaluates the framework’s relevance for a roaming provider for charging services.