IT unterstütztes gemeinschaftsbasiertes Teilen von Gegenständen – Entwicklung und Implementierung einer universellen Verleihplattform
With the growing number of sharing platforms like Airbnb (apartments), Uber (taxi), SpareFoot (storage spaces), DateMyWorderobe (clothing), 3D-Hubs (3D-Printers), BorrowMyDoggy (dogs) and many others, an individual can easily share a great variety of resources.
As for now, to do so, you require to use a number of different platforms, each of which is specialized on a particular resource. Although there are platforms, which allow to share different resource types, their current success on the market is limited due to a number of structural characteristics.
The aim of this thesis is to introduce an alternative form of a sharing platform that allows to share a variety of resource types. The idea and the concept for a new platform type will be provided while the goal of the thesis is to formalize the concept and to develop a prototype of such a platform using Web technologies like HTML5, JavaScript on the frontend side and Java on the backend side. The student can offer an alternative choice of technologies for the implementation of the prototype.