Digital Transformation Strategy: Evaluating the Concept in Practice
The ubiquity and pace of innovation of digital technologies are currently driving fundamental economic and social transformations. Several special issues of renowned Management and IS Journals document the need to rethink traditional management and strategy wisdom in this new situation. There is, in fact, much consensus among researchers that the potential of digital technologies and the socio-economical transformations these technologies engender call for dedicated strategic responses. Some researchers even recommend formulating a dedicated additonal strategy and hence have introduced the concept of a "Digital Transformation Strategy (DTS)" to the discussion. Proponents of this strategy concept have defined and argued it and made concrete recommendations on what to include in and how to compose a DTS (e. g. Matt, Hess and Benlian 2015; Hess et al. 2016). They have also applied this concept in different practice contexts such as media (Hess, Matt and Benlian 2016) and financial services (Sia, Soh and Weill 2016; Chanias 2017; Chanias, Myers and Hess 2019). The current master thesis shall add to this research by investigating the applicability and utility of a DTS in an additional case study.
We support the candidate with an overview of the current state of DTS research and industry contacts (incurance, public administration).