• abgeschlossen

    Digitale Gesundheitsanwendung für die personalisierte Rehabilitation nach einem Knöchelinversionstrauma

    Ankle injuries after inversion trauma are common and they can have serious consequences1. Physiotherapy is rarely prescribed, although studies report a 60% reduced risk of re-injury after balance training2,3. Patients demonstrate a broad variety of impairments in function and activity after ankle inversion trauma1,4. E-health solutions such as InjuryMap© and SWORD HEALTH offer more or less independent rehabilitation after ankle inversion trauma. Their first user experiences are positive, though adherence is low without health professional interaction, and personalisation is limited. The digital system in this study aims to provide personalized rehabilitation, which could help patients return to work or sport in an effective and efficient manner and reduce the risk of chronic disability.

    Projektstatus abgeschlossen
    Projektzeitraum 01.10.2021- 30.03.2024
    Webseite https://www.uni-muenster.de/Sportwissenschaft/Bewegungswissenschaft/research/clinical_biomechanics/feal-app.html
    Schlüsselwörter Medizinische Informatik, klinisches Entscheidungsunterstützungssystem, mobile App, domänenspezifische Sprache, modellgetriebene Softwareentwicklung, eHealth, Telemedizin, Sprunggelenktrauma, personalisiertes Trainingsprogramm.