• laufend

    Musket - Muenster Skeleton Tool for High-Performance Code Generation

    Many existing approaches to high-level parallel programming provide parallel constructs in the form of a library. This causes some limitations such as the difficulty to implement optimizations and a higher entry barrier for inexperienced programmers. Thus, Musket is based on a DSL. Important design decisions such as the syntax and structure of code can be selected purposefully when building a DSL. To abstract from low-level details, algorithmic skeletons (skeletons for short) are used. In essence, skeletons are higher order functions and encapsulate typical parallel computation/communication patterns.

    Projektstatus laufend
    Projektzeitraum seit 27.07.2017
    Schlüsselwörter Domain Specific Language;DSL;high-level parallel programming;algorithmic skeletons;skeletons


  • abgeschlossen

    Algorithmic Skeletons - The Muenster Skeleton Library (Muesli)

    Experience shows that the development of parallel programs is an elaborate and time-consuming task. The Muenster Skeleton Library (Muesli) is a collection of high-level concepts that facilitate the development of parallel programs. The library contains so-called algorithmic skeletons, i.e. frequently recurring parallel programming patterns, which can be easily and efficiently combined to develop parallel applications.

    Projektstatus abgeschlossen
    Projektzeitraum 01.02.2002- 31.01.2025
    Webseite http://muesli.uni-muenster.de/
    Schlüsselwörter High Level Parallel Programming; Algorithmic Skeletons