Forschungsartikel in Sammelband (Konferenz)

Daubert, J., Schiffner, S., Kikiras, P., Mühlhäuser, M., & Fischer, M. (2016). On the anonymity of privacy-preserving many-to-many communication in the presence of node churn and attacks. In Proceedings of the IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), Las Vegas, USA, 1–8.
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Karuppayah, S., Vasilomanolakis, E., Haas, S., Mühlhäuser, M., & Fischer, M. (2016). BoobyTrap: On Autonomously Detecting and Characterizing Crawlers in P2P Botnets. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Communications (ICC) — Communications and Information Systems Security Symposium (CISS), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
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Forschungsartikel in Sammelband (Konferenz)

Daubert, J., Böck, L., Kikiras, P., Mühlhäuser, M., & Fischer, M. (2015). Internal Attacks in Anonymous Publish-Subscribe P2P Overlays. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Networked Systems (NetSys), Cottbus, Germany, 1–8.
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Garcia, C. C., Vasilomanolakis, E., Mühlhäuser, M., & Fischer, M. (2015). Community-based Collaborative Intrusion Detection. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Applications and Techniques in Cyber Security (ATCS) co-located with International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks (SecureComm), Dallas, USA, 1–7.
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Karuppayah, S., Roos, S., Rossow, C., Mühlhäuser, M., & Fischer, M. (2015). ZEUSMILKER — Circumventing The P2P Zeus Neighbor List Restriction Mechanism. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Columbus, Ohio, 1–11.
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Nguyen, G., Roos, S., Strufe, T., & Fischer, M. (2015). RBCS: A resilient backbone construction scheme for hybrid Peer-to-Peer streaming. In Proceedings of the Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), Clearwater Beach, Florida.
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Vasilomanolakis, E., Garcia, C. C., Mühlhäuser, M., & Fischer, M. (2015). SkipMon: A Locality-Aware Collaborative Intrusion Detection System. In Proceedings of the nternational Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC), Nanjing, China, 1–8.
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Abstract in Online-Sammlung (Konferenz)

Böck, L., Karuppayah, S., Grube, T., Mühlhäuser, M., & Fischer, M. (2015). Hide And Seek: Detecting Sensors in P2P Botnets. Poster session presented at the IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), Florence, Italy.
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Forschungsartikel (Zeitschrift)

Daubert, J., Schiffner, S., Kikiras, P., Mühlhäuser, M., & Fischer, M. (2015). AnonPubSub: Anonymous Publish-Subscribe Overlays. Computer Communications, 2015(12), 1–30.
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Vasilomanolakis, E., Karuppayah, S., Muehlhaeuser, M., & Fischer, M. (2015). Taxonomy and Survey of Collaborative Intrusion Detection. ACM Computing Surveys, vol 47(4), 1–35.
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Forschungsartikel in Sammelband (Konferenz)

Daubert, J., Böck, L., Mühlhäuser, M., & Fischer, M. (2014). Twitterize: Anonymous Micro-Blogging. In Proceedings of the ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, Workshop on Internet of Things, Systems, Management and Security (IOTSMS), Doha, Qatar, 1–7.
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Karuppayah, S., Fischer, M., Rossow, C., & Mühlhäuser, M. (2014). On Advanced Monitoring in Resilient and Unstructured P2P Botnets. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Communications (ICC) — Communications and Information Systems Security Symposium (CISS), Sydney, Australia, 871–877.
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Nguyen, G., Fischer, M., & Strufe, T. (2014). On the Resilience of Pull-based P2P Streaming Systems against DoS Attacks. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems (SSS), Paderborn, Germany.
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Vasilomanolakis, E., Karuppayah, S., Mühlhäuser, M., & Fischer, M. (2014). HosTaGe: a Mobile Honeypot for Collaborative Defense. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security of Information and Networks (SINCONF), Glasgow, UK, 1–4.
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