A Cognitive Perspective on Digital Transformation: Literature Review and Research Framework
Marx C.; de Paula D.; Haskamp T.; Uebernickel F.
Managing Digital Transformation (DT) has become a top priority for executives as technological advancements and increasing decision-making complexity accelerate challenges in navigating through DT. Acknowledging that cognition (e.g., in the form of thoughts, beliefs, and emotions) is fundamentally relevant during organizational transformation processes, we address the maturing body of DT research from a cognitive perspective. While the study of cognition in management and strategy can look back to decades of investigation, research on the role of cognition in DT is fragmented and still in its infancy. Addressing this gap, we systematically review existing research from information systems, management, and psychology on the role of cognition in DT. Based on identified antecedents, contextual factors, and consequences, and a conceptualization of cognition, we provide an integrative framework for cognitive DT research and derive four promising research avenues. We thereby provide guidelines to develop strategies for successful DT and organizational action.
cognition; digital transformation; literature review; research agenda