Power of Text-Mining in BPM: Class Notes: BPM Research in Education
vom Brocke J; Müller O; Debortoli S
In this note we investigate text-mining's potential to foster BPM capabilities. We provide a brief introduction to text-mining, examples of text-mining by probabilistic topic modeling, and a tool that makes text-mining accessible for BPM practice. Then we present a framework with which to plan for text-mining projects in BPM and give examples for each of the potential application areas. We transfer the body of knowledge in text-mining to the field of BPM and show that text-mining offers significant potential for building BPM capabilities in both exploitation and exploration. Our examples cover capability areas that include strategic alignment, governance, methods, IT, people, and culture. We identify the considerable potential of applying text-mining in BPM and conclude with a call for more discussion and contributions to this promising new lens through which to build BPM capabilities.
BPM capabilities