Security by Learning: The Contribution of E-learning to Security Awareness Management
vom Brocke J; Buddendick C
IT security is highly important for companies. The subject of IT security management is the development of techniques that ensure the security of information systems. Actual surveys show, that human actions are the predominant reason for operational disturbances. In regard to this fact IT security management has to be extended by specific elements that focus on human behaviour. In this article therefore a security awareness management (SAM) is presented. Findings in the field of E-Learning research deliver powerful methods and tools for the regulation of human behaviour. Therefore the contribution of E-Learning for SAM is examined in this paper. The derived requirements are used for the design of a process model for adequate E-Learning Systems used in SAM. A practical application of such an E-Learning System shows a proof of concept. The identification of further research topics builds the conclusion of this paper.