How to Measure ECM Success: Class Notes: BPM Research in Education
vom Brocke J; Herbst A; Urbach N
In an earlier Column I discussed the importance of enterprise content management (ECM) in Business Process Management (see vom Brocke, 2013). This note follows up on this discussion by presenting recent work on the measurement of ECM success, and I team up with Andrea Herbst from the University of Liechtenstein and Nils Urbach from the University of Bayreuth, with whom I jointly do research in this area. ECM systems are important enablers in designing new and improved processes over contents' entire life cycle. By implementing an ECM system, organizations hope to improve their content-management practices and overall process performance, but the question remains concerning how successful ECM systems are in fulfilling this expectation. This Column presents a tool that can be used to answer this question.