Programming Languages: Implementations, Logics, and Programs
This volume contains the proceedings of the Eighth International Symposiumon Programming Languages, Implementations, Logics, and Programs, PLILP'96,held in Aachen, Germany, in conjunction with the Fifth International Conferenceon Algebraic and Logic Programming, ALP'96, and the Third InternationalStatic Analysis Symposium, SAS'96. The previous PLILP meetings tookplace in Orleans, France (1988), LinkSping, Sweden (1990), Passau, Germany(1991), Leuven, Belgium (1992), Wallinn, Estonia (1993), Madrid, Spain (1994),and Utrecht, The Netherlands (1995). All proceedings have been published bySpringer Verlag as Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volumes 348, 456, 528,631,714,844, and 982.This PLILP symposium aims at stimulating research on declarative programminglanguages, and seeks to disseminate insights in the relation betweenimplementation techniques, the logics of those languages, and the use of theselanguages in constructing real programs. Topics of interest included implementationof declarative concepts, integration of paradigms, compiler specification andconstruction, program analysis and transformation, programming environments,executable specifications, reasoning about language constructs, experiences inconstructing applications, and typing and structuring systems.The cooperation with ALP and SAS has strengthened the attractiveness ofthe overall event and - as a consequence - the quality of the presentations. Thequality and (still increasing) number of submitted papers serves as an indicationof the success of this approach. The program committee selected 30 out of 97papers (31%), as well as a couple of poster and system demonstrations.All communication in organising the symposium was done electronically: submittingpapers, distributing papers to reviewers, transmitting and discussingreviews among the program committee members, and giving feedback to the authors.The smooth exchange of opinions improved the quality of the refereeingprocess and helped both to reduce the costs of organising the symposium andto keep the time between the deadline for submissions and the conference short.In addition to the selected contributions, an invited talk was given by LambertMeertens. Thanks to the collaboration with ALP and SAS, four additionalinvited speakers, namely Flemming Nielson, Andrew Aiken, Bernhard Steffen,and Claude Kirchner, could be presented at the joint conference.On behalf of the program committee, the program chairmen would like tothank all those who submitted papers, posters, and system demonstrations andall the referees for their careful work in the reviewing and selection process. Thesupport of several sponsors, listed in this book, is Mso gratefully acknowledged:Finally, we would like to thank the members of the organizing committees fortheir invaluable support throughout the preparation and organization of theconference and the composition of the proceedings.
declarative programming; functional programming; logic programming; functional logic programming; applications