Programming Languages: Implementations, Logics, and Programs
This volume contains the proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium onProgramming Languages, Implementations, Logics, and Programs, PLILP'97. Itwas held in Southampton, UK, in conjunction with the Sixth International Conferenceon Algebraic and Logic Programming, ALP'97, and the Third InternationalWorkshop on Higher-Order Algebra, Logic and Term Rewriting, HOA'97.The previous PLILP meetings took place in Orl@ans, France (1988), LinkSping,Sweden (1990), Passau, Germany (1991), Leuven, Belgium (1992), Tallinn, Estonia(1993), Madrid, Spain (1994), Utrecht, The Netherlands (1995), and Aachen,Germany (1996). All proceedings have been published by Springer-Verlag as LectureNotes in Computer Science volumes 348, 456, 528, 631, 714, 844, 982 and1140.The PLILP symposium aims at stimulating research on declarative p rogramminglanguages, and seeks to disseminate insights in the relation between implementationtechniques, the logics of those languages, and the use of theselanguages in constructing real programs. Topics of interest include implementationof declarative concepts, integration of paradigms, compiler specification andconstruction, program analysis and transformation, programming environments,executable specifications, reasoning about language constructs, experiences inconstructing applications, and typing and structuring systems.The cooperation with ALP and HOA, together with a special track on declarativeprogramming languages in education, has strengthened the attractivenessof the overall event and - as a consequence - the quality of the presentations.The quality and number of submitted papers serves as an indication of the successof this approach. Out of 68 submissions, 25 papers (37%) were selected,as well as some poster and system demonstrations. In addition to the selectedcontributions, invited talks were given by Neil Jones and Guy Cousineau.The special track on declarative programming languages in education representsthe state of the art in teaching methods using functional and logic languages.It followed the successful Symposium on Functional Programming Languagesin Education, held in Nijmegen, The Netherlands, in 1995, and whichappeared as Springer-Verlag LNCS volume 1022. These papers on educationwere selected by a separate programme committee chaired by Krzysztof Apt,Paul Klint, and Pieter Hartel.All communication in organising the symposium was done electronically: submittingpapers, distributing papers to reviewers, transmitting and discussingreviews among the program committee members, and giving feedback to theauthors. This helped both to reduce the cost of organising the symposium andto keep the time between the deadline for submissions and the conference short.On behalf of the two programme committees we thank all those who submittedpapers. We thank the referees for their careful work in the reviewing andselection process.
declarative programming; functional programming; logic programming; functional logic programming; constraint programming; applications