Developing IOIS as Collective Action: A Cross-Country Comparison in the Health Care Sector
Klein S, Schellhammer S
The role of standards in inter-organizational information systems has been widely acknowledged. In particular in the health sector there is a growing gap between the need for standard-based national and international information infrastructures and the ability of the business partners for collective initiatives. This paper provides a theory-led comparative analysis of the development of electronic ordering systems for pharmaceutical supply chains in Ireland and Australia. The analysis focuses on the underlying set of standards consisting of product numbering standards as well as communication protocols. While in Australia proprietary e-ordering standards persevere, an industry-wide standardization effort succeeded in Ireland. The paper reconstructs contingencies and stra-tegic choices of key actors who were involved in the development of e-ordering solutions.
health care; information systems; organisational aspects;pharmaceutical industry; standardisation; supply chain management