The Corporate IT/IS Function: Competences and Organization for a (Digital) Future
Teubner RA, Ehnes D
The notion of "digitalization" is associated with fundamental changesin the technology and business environment of organizations that challenge thetraditional role of corporate IS Functions. However, little research is available onthe impact that digitalization has on this function and on how it can transform tobest respond to new challenges. Taking this as motivation, we present the resultsof a Delphi study among IT executives and management consultants on the competencesrequired by the future IS function and its organization. With respect tocompetences, we could confirm the importance of competences in informationresource management, agile development, and information security and risk management.However, we could not confirm the general trend towards outsourcingparts of the IS function. Rather, we found that IT outsourcing is judged differentlydepending on the size and business model of organizations. Our research alsosuggests different future paths for the CIO and his involvement in digital innovation.
IT/IS Function; Digitalization; IT/IS Competences; IT/IS Organization; IT Outsourcing; CIO Role